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Articles tagged New York (19)

It was the first time many Americans saw Rupert Murdoch using his news outlets to advance his interests — and a lesson in how a media mogul’s outside financial ties can taint the editorial product.
“How is it possible that my state, that I’ve lived in all my life, is run like this?”
The passage of the law especially benefits freelance workers who live outside of New York but are contracted by companies in the state. Hanaa' Tameez
“Curbed, of all the digital properties that were created in the birth of internet journalism, has always felt to us editors like a long-lost sibling.”
“On most days of the week, I’m competing with them.” But when the situation’s right, local news outlets are using one another to augment their own resources.
Two companies with similar editorial values and brands that mostly complement instead of overlap. This is the kind of smart merger we should see more of.
This might be a rare instance of the goals of a platform genuinely aligning with the goals of a publisher — or another case of publishers’ revenue streams being at the mercy of a tech company’s priorities.
New York magazine and Quartz both now want readers to pay up. How deep into their pockets will even dedicated news consumers go for a second (or third or fourth) read?
If it’s good enough for Amazon, why not for news publishers? Trade in your New York rent for a wider, subway-phobic pool of talent.