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Articles tagged News Media Alliance (10)

Confuse your INNs with your LIONs, your ANNOs with your ASLNs? There’s no problem a Venn diagram can’t solve.
Republicans and Democrats are (surprisingly!) teaming up to help news organizations negotiate with the tech giants. But it’s unlikely to have a substantial impact on the dysfunctional relationship between publishers and platforms.
The newspaper tariffs are dead. How big a difference will that make to those whose businesses still depends on dead trees?
A few thoughts from an exhausting year in fake news (or whatever we end up calling it next year).
A step back to look at the news lessons of this summer.
Consider this a roadside guide to accidents of history as evidenced by the collisions between newspapers and Google and Facebook.
Fake news percentages, numbers of working journalists, declining print ad revenue: 2016 in numbers.
The president-elect may not always get along with reporters, but a shared desire for fewer regulations could be common ground for his administration and the newspaper industry over the next few years.