“Say you read a lot about cooking, and someone similar to you has also read a lot about cooking, but also read a Saturday profile from International about a chef in Italy. We may surface that story in your queue in your newsletter.”
“We don’t have to ask you anything. We just know, by virtue of you being a Journal reader, what you’d like to read and what you should read. You don’t have to tell us anything.”
LaFrance, Adrienne. "From Nieman Reports: The powers and perils of news personalization." Nieman Journalism Lab. Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard, 19 Oct. 2017. Web. 31 Jan. 2025.
LaFrance, A. (2017, Oct. 19). From Nieman Reports: The powers and perils of news personalization. Nieman Journalism Lab. Retrieved January 31, 2025, from https://www.niemanlab.org/2017/10/from-nieman-reports-the-powers-and-perils-of-news-personalization/
LaFrance, Adrienne. "From Nieman Reports: The powers and perils of news personalization." Nieman Journalism Lab. Last modified October 19, 2017. Accessed January 31, 2025. https://www.niemanlab.org/2017/10/from-nieman-reports-the-powers-and-perils-of-news-personalization/.
{{cite web
| url = https://www.niemanlab.org/2017/10/from-nieman-reports-the-powers-and-perils-of-news-personalization/
| title = From Nieman Reports: The powers and perils of news personalization
| last = LaFrance
| first = Adrienne
| work = [[Nieman Journalism Lab]]
| date = 19 October 2017
| accessdate = 31 January 2025
| ref = {{harvid|LaFrance|2017}}