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Articles tagged nonprofit journalism (73)

The Salt Lake Tribune’s transition to nonprofit status has been closely watched in the news industry. “The opportunity for us to prove that this can work is significant and so is the responsibility.”
“Any national donor large enough to put out press releases that issues one about making a bunch of $25,000 grants is either trying to fool other people or themselves.”
“Our theory about how you build trust in information is to help people access it on their own.”
The Beacon has plans to create a regional network of nonprofit newsrooms across Kansas and Missouri.
More than half of all nonprofit outlets have either no people of color or “only a small percentage” within their ranks. The vast majority — more than two-thirds — do not have a single person of color in leadership at the executive level.
But comparing grant money to advertisers trying to sway coverage seems a bit much.
To choose its newest place of focus, the nonprofit education network asked supporters to nominate their own cities — and to help find local funders long before launch.
The majority of the site’s editorial staff resigned this morning, and the future of a much-anticipated watchdog for technology companies is very much in doubt.