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Articles tagged objectivity (53)

“To describe one form of journalism as ‘fact-based’ is to tacitly acknowledge that there is also such a thing as ‘non-fact-based journalism.’ And there isn’t.”
“For a long time, ‘objectivity’ packaged together many important ideas about truth and trust. American journalism has disowned that brand without offering a replacement.”
It’s like kryptonite for responsible news organizations: the stronger their piety to journalistic ethics and the ideal of objectivity, the more vulnerable they are to accusations made in bad faith.
A new study looks at how people in seven countries view the motives of the news media in covering the pandemic. Only in the United States is that a profoundly partisan question.
The BBC reprimands a morning-show host for saying a racist comment by Donald Trump made her furious: “Our audiences should not be able to tell from BBC output the personal opinions of our journalists.”
A deep linguistic analysis finds that newspapers today are a lot like newspapers 30 years ago. But TV news — especially cable news — has ramped up the emotion, the conversationality, and the arguing.
“When newspapers insist they’re just being impartial observers, I think that performance hurts trust in journalists.”
Newsrooms are struggling to apply traditional ideas about objectivity to the current moment, and some journalists are being caught in the middle.
“Trends are not the same as news, but Facebook kinda wants them to be.”