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Articles tagged personalization (29)

“We can give more power to the user to tell the publisher what they really want.”
“Say you read a lot about cooking, and someone similar to you has also read a lot about cooking, but also read a Saturday profile from International about a chef in Italy. We may surface that story in your queue in your newsletter.”
“If you took away advertising from the platforms we have currently, if you took away the need to addict people and harvest their data and keep them refreshing their pages, what would that experience look like?”
It’s driving over 100 million visits a month to news sites in the United States — on Android alone. And it’s an even bigger factor in France, Argentina, Brazil, and elsewhere.
It’s already driving almost as many visits as Twitter, and publishers have no idea why their stories get chosen (or don’t).
In a country where the 10 most popular languages are all spoken by at least 25 million people, creating content that’s relevant to everyone is a tall order — which is why the BBC World Service needs some help.
“We don’t have to ask you anything. We just know, by virtue of you being a Journal reader, what you’d like to read and what you should read. You don’t have to tell us anything.”
With its algorithm, Ownpage shows readers stories based on their reading habits and what other similar users are reading.
The Post has found a new way to use email to target stories to the readers who are most likely to read them.