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Articles tagged Philip Napoli (8)

“Sometimes a story was literally just a YouTube video that they were linking to.”
Plus: Problems with the First Amendment, fact-checking the fact-checkers, and how partisan newspapers’ circulations change depending on who’s in power.
Metaphors don’t just highlight a comparison — they also downplay the aspects they don’t capture. And “platform” papers over some of the big questions social media raises.
Rich communities have better access to high-quality local news than poor communities do, a new Rutgers report finds.
Research shows local TV is still the biggest driver of local news consumption. So what happens when your “local” news is coming from another state?
Old and new media types from journalism, documentary, and technology backgrounds gathered at MIT to share practices and discuss mutual concerns.
The arguments for smarter public support of journalism, the rise of civic engagement in social media, and the changing practices of foreign correspondents: all that and more in this month’s roundup of the academic literature.