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Articles tagged Planet Money (20)

Plus: Using TV’s playbook to pitch podcasts to advertisers, moving from magazines into audio, and a Slack experiment aims to make Gimlet’s core listeners feel engaged.
Kelly McEvers: “A lot of the great storytelling podcasts happen in the studio. I hope ours opens the door to people thinking more about what you can do in the field, when things don’t go as planned and are unexpected.”
“The key to evaluate NPR’s fate, I believe, lies in the way the institution views radio and digital/podcast audiences as two separate categories with separate strategies for audience development.”
Plus: More on the lack of podcasts for kids, WBUR builds on partnerships, and a pregnancy podcast releases all episodes Netflix-style.
Plus, The Dissolve gets a new life in audio, WBEZ’s live events, and Bill Simmons’ podcast network.
Alex Blumberg, CEO and co-founder of Gimlet Media: “People who like public radio like podcasts, but people outside of public radio also like podcasts. So let’s find those people.”
Atlantic Media’s new business site has the advantage of starting with a strategic clean slate. Now, it’s all about execution.
Part of the outrage surrounding Mike Daisey’s Apple fabrications stems from our uneasiness with the blurring of media boundaries in the Internet age.
March 26, 2010