Nieman Foundation at Harvard
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Articles tagged protest (6)

“News audiences aren’t necessarily used to seeing violence and disruption at citizen demonstrations in support of a president — and certainly not on the scale we witnessed on Wednesday at the Capitol.”
Plus: How journalists use Slack to promote transparency, what early adolescents think about news, and how social corrections of misinformation occur on WhatsApp.
“People kept sharing these videos that were coming up and it was unambiguous what was going on. We weren’t looking at a stream of videos of violence erupting or clashes breaking out. We were looking at cops, attacking people.”
Plus: How online and offline journalists are more alike than different, the unrealized promise of immersive journalism, and what influences how journalists debunk disinformation.
“It has never been my expectation that every piece the New York Times publishes will confirm my personal worldview, but it was also never my expectation The Times would run an op-ed calling for state violence.”