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Articles tagged protests (7)

“We don’t come in when there’s something crazy happening and then leave when it’s over. This is just what we do all the time. And I really hope that makes people trust us more as a newspaper.”
“There are commercial reasons why some newsrooms focus on the spectacle and confrontation — the old journalism adage of ‘if it bleeds, it leads’ still prevails in many newsroom decisions…But it is a decision that delegitimizes protest aims.”
Plus: Exploring why women leave the news industry, the effects of opinion labels, and susceptibility to disinformation.
Anti-racism protest stories about police brutality or the removal of Confederate statues were more often portrayed negatively, framed with an emphasis on the violence and destructiveness of protests, and relied more on officials than protesters as sources.
Plus: Misinformation around Black Lives Matter protests and an analysis of the most-shared COVID-19 misinformation in Europe.
“Although in some incidents it is possible the journalists were hit or affected accidentally, in the majority of the cases we have recorded the journalists are clearly identifiable as press, and it is clear that they are being deliberately targeted.”
Research finds that protests about anti-black racism and indigenous people’s rights receives the least legitimizing coverage.