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Articles tagged real names (5)

Plus: Postmortem analysis of the SOPA/PIPA fight, more discussion on truth vigilantes and iBooks, and the rest of the week’s big stories in journalism and tech.
Plus: keys to sustainability for nonprofit news, an auspicious start for Apple Newsstand, and all the rest of this week’s required reading.
Plus: CNN buys the personalized tablet magazine Zite, hundreds of thousands of WikiLeaks’ cables are inadvertently released, the Financial Times parts ways with Apple, and how we’re training young political reporters.
Plus: A dispute over how much emphasis to place on new media skills in journalism training, the debut of The Daily Dot, the death of the Fairness Doctrine, more News Corp. hubbub, and what rarity means in an age of information abundance. Mark Coddington
Plus: The New York Times opens a test kitchen, the debate over real names, the Kindle embraces the cloud, and TBD turns one. Mark Coddington