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Articles tagged Rodney Gibbs (4)

“People just want to learn a playbook. At the high level, it’s motivational, but at the grassroots level, it’s answering what do your proposals look like, what does your budget look like, how are you talking to donors and members.”
“It was a good sandbox to see if there’s a market for these sponsored content pieces, to see how we’d treat them in a design and workflow way, to see if there’s an appetite for people who would pay for it. Now, several years later, we realize we answered all those affirmatively.”
The Austin-based news nonprofit has success and a measure of stability with its business model, raising almost $27 million in its first five years. But now the Tribune has to figure out how it grows its audience outside the capitol.
The nonprofit’s Kickstarter aims to raise $60,000 to buy gear, and they promise to share what they learn about effective livestreaming for news outlets.