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Articles tagged roger ailes (7)

“Does satire have a liberal bias? Sure. Satire has a liberal psychological bias. But the only person who can successfully harness the power of satire is the satirist. Not political strategists. Not a political party. Not a presidential candidate.”
Plus new leadership at NPR One, CNN and Fox News expand podcast programming, and a new Bay Area tech company to keep and eye on.
As Fox’s Dr. Frankenstein exits right, the Murdochs are left to reboot their wounded cable news leader.
With his position attacked in the U.K., Murdoch is looking to the United States. Will he find newspapers a worthwhile investment?
They’re iconic in print and on television, and they’re both working to figure out digital. Is there room for more direct partnership between the two?
The news business needs to pay attention to Hulu and Netflix: Name-brand content is worth investing in — even if it means cutting back elsewhere.
January 15, 2010