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Articles tagged Scroll (13)

Users willing to pay $2.99/month can get access to an undo button, a Nuzzel-like “Top Stories” feature, and ad-free articles that will send a portion of revenue back to publishers.
But we have bad news. The acquisition means that the handy news aggregator Nuzzel will be shut down.
For publishers seeing their ad revenue crater amid coronavirus, Scroll’s pitch of a paid ad-free experience sounds awfully appealing.
Former Chartbeat CEO Tony Haile hopes he’s found something at the intersection of ethical adblocking and news-flavored digital wellness. “It’s not just ‘Can you get rid of ads,’ but ‘What does a better internet look like?'”
“Nuzzel as a test kitchen.”
“The model is designed to reward engagement and loyalty. We think those things are the currency of publishing in the future, that relationship with the consumer. The better you do at that, the better you do under Scroll.”
From “meltdown” to “roll-up” to (of course) “fake.”
Led by the cofounder of Square, Invisibly promises “four-figure CPMs” and a way to make big money off readers who won’t subscribe. It says it has most of the U.S. digital news industry on board. But is it just “an ad network dressed up as a savior for news sites”?