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Articles tagged Serial (53)

Plus: Gimlet announces a new slate of shows, NPR focuses on internal talent development, and Audible puts one of its shows outside the paywall.
Plus: New big-picture views from Pew, Malcolm Gladwell hits the promo circuit, and more growth in branded podcasts.
Also: Was there a lag in the “Serial effect” on podcast awareness?
Plus: Podcasts as time-shifted cable TV; MTV News launches its first podcasts; Postloudness moves beyond Mailchimp.
“A constructive question, at this point: What, exactly, makes a podcast strategy? Seems like a simple question with an obvious answer, but I think it’s actually pretty complex.”
Plus: 1 in 5 Americans now listens to podcasts (sort of), Night Vale expands, and WNYC goes local and limited-run to cover gentrification in Brooklyn.
Plus: Google plans its podcast play, Anchor joins the social-audio game, and SoundCloud’s financial numbers raise questions about viability (or acquisition).
Plus: Remixing podcast talent to build new shows, Google prepares to enter the market in a big way, and how to avoid “radiosplaining.”
An unsolved murder, lives of the presidents, the Iowa Caucuses, and more — all delivered in podcast format by reporters who are learning for the first time how to write to be heard, not to be read.