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Articles tagged Solutions Journalism Network (12)

$660,000 to support a 50-member network will go to Solutions Journalism Network and Report for America for one year from a trio of place-based foundations.
“Gone are the days when a single news organization had the resources to dominate local news coverage, or when multiple news organizations would enter fierce competition to ‘win’ on the same local story.”
“With big topics like this, you really have to look at the solutions with the same rigor as you would when you’re investigating the problems.”
Smart people talking about building a startup culture, the value of small projects, the curse of expertise, and more.
Rather than pointing out solely what’s wrong with the world — think political gridlock, war, terrorism, and catastrophic climate change — solutions journalism aims to show how people are making things better.
The newspaper partnered with the Solutions Journalism Network to launch Education Lab, which aims to get beyond the problems to potential ways to fix them.
Shown a news story, research subjects found versions that discussed possible solutions consistently more engaging.