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Articles tagged Spanish-language media (18)

“We want to serve people like our parents: Immigrants, monolingual Spanish speakers who have specific needs and many stories to tell but who are often left out of mainstream media.”
“Nothing is going to be the same as before. It’s hard to think about the long term right now, but this has been a starting point to try new things.”
“I think people in the Spanish-speaking world want to know about what’s happening everywhere, in France, in the U.S., with Brexit, and of course what’s happening with Ecuador, the protests happening in Colombia…It’s a kind of global podcast in Spanish.”
Meet your audiences where they are — in Univision’s case, preparing to weather a major storm, or evacuating in a car with only a phone in hand.
“We are hoping to change the narrative in Latin America, where most media organizations are led by men.”
Have ideas for things we should cover? Want to help us cover them? Want to help us translate stories so that they reach more people? Join our new Slack community!
Have a WhatsApp chain message you want factchecked? La Silla Vacía’s WhatsApp Detector first wants you to commit to spreading the factcheck to your friends.
¿Quieres que un grupo de periodistas revise si una cadena de Whatsapp es real? El Detector de WhatsApp de la Silla Vacía te puede ayudar, con la condición que de compartas la información verificada entre tus contactos.
“I’m not just looking for someone who is able to interview in Spanish. I want someone who is a native Spanish speaker, who really knows this community and its needs around education.”