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Articles tagged Starlee Kine (5)

Plus: The team behind Serial is getting ready for a new show, the Lewis Wallace/Marketplace debate, and are podcast networks responsible for the diversity of their shows?
Plus: Radiotopia finds expanding a donor base a different challenge than starting one, NPR refocuses for innovation, and The New York Times reaches its youngest audience ever with podcasts.
Plus: Radiotopia turns to its listeners for support again, a podcast network partners with a book publishing house, and WNYC starts rolling out internships paid at something closer to a reasonable wage.
“The audience numbers for the past few months, which had been growing gangbusters before, have plateaued and even kind of fallen for pretty much almost all of our shows.”
Alex Blumberg, CEO and co-founder of Gimlet Media: “People who like public radio like podcasts, but people outside of public radio also like podcasts. So let’s find those people.”