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Articles tagged Stitcher Premium (12)

The Swedish music giant is apparently testing out podcast-only subscription offers. But the market for paid premium podcasts is pointedly unproven.
“The big change is commercial, which is that we had advertisers who started to come to us last year and say, ‘We are only going to buy two kinds of ad next year, print and podcast. What have you got?'”
Plus: Gimlet pushes back on its aspirant union, Acast gets more continental, and Joe Rogan’s galaxy brain.
Plus: Crooked Media goes audio doc, Maximum Fun goes scripted fiction, and The Pub goes the way of all flesh.
Plus: What’s going on with Stitcher Premium, Gimlet isn’t actually going to buy NPR One, and how membership works in the age of podcasts.
Plus: Spotify sees growth in spoken audio, one network goes cult-happy, and Marc Maron upgrades his garage.
Plus the three most interesting podcast companies out there today.
Plus: Civics 101 expands its syllabus, an Apple tease, a new kind of daily news podcast, and Midroll tightens up its brands.
Plus: The huge success of Missing Richard Simmons, windowing expands as a strategy, and The New York Times’ podcast-as-EP.