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Articles tagged Sweden (10)

“When I asked people ‘Are you journalists?’ they would say no. But if I asked them ‘Is what is what you do journalistic?’ they say yes, of course.”
Across the sites where it’s currently in use, the company’s purchase prediction model has been able to identify groups of readers three to five times more likely than average to buy a subscription, and advertise offers to them differently.
“I think the learning story there is that you should think about the consumer when you develop a product, because nobody wanted to read the magazine in front of the computer.”
“We’re trying to fit in the space between the ‘what’ and ‘what came out of it’.”
“This is not a reorganization that is forced upon a publisher. It’s a joint realization that if we join forces we can do more than by operating on our own.”
“Esta no es una reorganización que se le esté imponiendo a un editor. Es fruto de entender que uniendo fuerzas se puede hacer más que trabajando por nuestra propia cuenta”.
“Very quickly, you learn the worldviews in all these bubbles are very different.”
The Scandinavian media giant surveyed thousands of its users to figure out characteristics of effective mobile ads. One finding: Static images were more effective than rich media or video ads.
Stockholm’s two major evening tabloids have started competing BuzzFeed imitators this year, and the same aggregator moves we’ve seen in the U.S. are playing out abroad.