Nieman Foundation at Harvard
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Articles tagged Table Stakes (7)

“For some [publishers], this program will be a way to get a check. Some of them are going to pick up some ideas and tips and that’s the end of it. For some of them, it’s truly transformational in how they operate.”
“It’s not just an initiative — it’s an opportunity for others to join to address these challenges for local news, around the country and in Philadelphia.”
Local news consortiums, labs, associations, and more.
“The amount of effort we’d have to invest into doing these things is completely outweighed by effort it would take for us to just do it with Arc.”
The Globe is the latest paper trying to “once and for all break the stubborn rhythms of a print operation, allowing us to unabashedly pursue digital subscriptions.”
“We have so valued the fact that we are still standing. ‘Look we’re still standing!’ But standing is not enough…you gotta run.”