Nieman Foundation at Harvard
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Articles tagged texting (15)

“We’re not putting you through an automated service. You’re actually interacting with Lily and Gabriela.”
“We believe for local news to have a future, it has to be built for people when they truly need information before it is built for people when they are just curious.”
“We don’t want to create another platform where a media company or a journalist is just kind of talking at their audience.”
The two companies are now one, and they’ll soon launch a service similar to Outlier’s Detroit project in Milwaukee.
Texting “seemed like a way to allow people to pare the constant stream of news down to just what mattered to them the most.”
Pulse, a project launched by Sarah Alvarez and Andrew Haeg, aims to help news organizations text their communities to find out.
“People are always on their phones, but this isn’t ‘Let’s just start shooting them info over text.’ When you integrate into somebody’s routine in an intimate way, it has to feel right for the platform.”
“I was not satisfied with covering low-income communities for a higher-income audience. I wanted to cover issues for and with low-income news consumers.”
“What we’ve created is a bot-like exchange, but in the voice and tone of a person.”