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Articles tagged Thomson Reuters (15)

The quest for one of the world’s top news brands ended with an unexpected winner today. Here’s why.
It depends on whether you think the brighter future for news lies in readers or advertisers paying the bills. But then again, an FT sale may involve as much ego as accounting.
Is Reuters back at square one in its quest to become a bigger consumer news brand, or is abandoning a troubled project the best way to build on its existing strengths? Justin Ellis
Article pages now have added depth and context, providing more opportunities for readers coming from social media to discover more content. Justin Ellis
Connected China is an experiment in breaking out of the incremental story — trying to create a summative, regularly updated visualization of who leads China.
2013 could end up making 2012 seem calm by comparison.
Some of the world’s biggest news organizations, once rocks of stability, are showing signs of unstable foundations.
Data editor Reg Chua wants the company to rethink what the news story looks like (and how it’s delivered). Justin Ellis
June 16, 2011
March 10, 2011