The liberal political site is betting on something less commodified than banner advertising to find sustainable revenue — and to better take advantage of its unique audience. Ken Doctor
Look past iPads and Android phones: There’s another generation of Internet-enabled devices coming, and news companies face more competition for users’ attention.
TPM’s Josh Marshall says he now views what was launched as a website as a bundle of knowledge and expertise that “exists inherently on no particular platform” — which is why he’s moving big into mobile and video.
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LaFrance, Adrienne. "When is a website not a website? For Talking Points Memo, the turning point was in 2012." Nieman Journalism Lab. Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard, 17 May. 2012. Web. 1 Feb. 2025.
LaFrance, A. (2012, May. 17). When is a website not a website? For Talking Points Memo, the turning point was in 2012. Nieman Journalism Lab. Retrieved February 1, 2025, from
LaFrance, Adrienne. "When is a website not a website? For Talking Points Memo, the turning point was in 2012." Nieman Journalism Lab. Last modified May 17, 2012. Accessed February 1, 2025.
{{cite web
| url =
| title = When is a website not a website? For Talking Points Memo, the turning point was in 2012
| last = LaFrance
| first = Adrienne
| work = [[Nieman Journalism Lab]]
| date = 17 May 2012
| accessdate = 1 February 2025
| ref = {{harvid|LaFrance|2012}}