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Articles tagged USA Today Network (10)

“I am not saying we shouldn’t do vegetables. But for the financial health of our organizations, the rewards are candy. If we’re not taking the vegetables and dipping them in caramel, we’re making some hard choices.”
Plus: HBO buys in, ESPN brags condescendingly, big networks scale back, and Call Your Girlfriend plots its future. Also, gifs.
Plus: RadioPublic stands up for the little guys, everybody’s going Hollywood, and Gannett wants to build “The Wire” (but non-fiction).
A partnership of Boston media giants is going to try. Plus: The mysteries of messed-up analytics and The New York Times’ expanding podcast strategy.
“We have to remember that not only we as content creators are new to VR, but so is our audience. For a lot of people, it’s still very experiential.”
More than 450 reporters from 250 outlets across the country have published over 300 stories as part of the Electionland project.
Through the collaborative reporting project Electionland, outlets from across the country are coming together to report on issues like voter ID laws and long wait times.
Gannett owns two college newspapers in Florida — it’s closed one and cutting costs at the other.
Its chief content officer: “My message has been, any journalist at any of our papers can come up with a great idea, something that we think is scalable, we will help them scale it.”