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Articles tagged virality (9)

The scientist has gained popularity as Covid’s excitable play-by-play announcer. But some experts want to pull his plug.
When one news publisher has a story about something bad — a disaster, a death, or just general terribleness — other publishers move more quickly to match it than they do with good news.
Multiple versions of articles — with different headlines but also of different lengths and using different thumbnail art — are shown to visitors until a winning combination emerges after a couple of hours.
Опубликованный пост при этом не выглядит как один и тот же пост: посетители видят разные его версии – различной длины, с разными заголовками и по-разному оформленные – до тех пор, пока через пару часов редакторы не выберут наиболее выигрышный вариант.
Uma postagem publicada, é claro, nunca é apenas uma publicação: várias versões da mesma –com manchetes diferentes, mas também tamanhos diferentes e artes em miniatura diferentes– são mostradas aos visitantes do até a combinação vencedora emergir após algumas horas.
Un post publicado, por supuesto, nunca es solo un post: varias versiones del mismo –con titulares diferentes, pero también de diferentes longitudes y utilizando diferentes imágenes en miniatura– se muestran a los visitantes de, hasta que la combinación ganadora emerge después de un par de horas.
Journalist’s Resource sifts through the academic journals so you don’t have to. Here are 10 of the studies about social and digital media they found most interesting in 2012.
When emotion meets information, big things can happen.