Nieman Foundation at Harvard
From shrimp Jesus to fake self-portraits, AI-generated images have become the latest form of social media spam
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June 29, 2009, 7:13 p.m.

Links on Twitter: AOL’s niche strategy, citizen journalism tools and tricks, NYT and Flickr screensaver

AOL’s strategy: leanly staffed news sites focused on lucrative niches (Daily Finance, PoliticsDaily, etc.) »

In a study of U.S. bloggers, a majority supported some kind of blogging ethics code »

Tools and tricks for citizen journalism by The Uptake Part of YouTube’s just-launched Reporters’ Center. »

“How can any system that doesn’t work precisely when people need it the most be considered the future of communications?” »

Ad networks to blame for sluggish performance of news sites as MJ news broke on Thursday (via @c4cm»

Very cool screensaver mashes up New York Times headlines and Flickr (via @donohoe»

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From shrimp Jesus to fake self-portraits, AI-generated images have become the latest form of social media spam
Within days of visiting the pages — and without commenting on, liking, or following any of the material — Facebook’s algorithm recommended reams of other AI-generated content.
What journalists and independent creators can learn from each other
“The question is not about the topics but how you approach the topics.”
Deepfake detection improves when using algorithms that are more aware of demographic diversity
“Our research addresses deepfake detection algorithms’ fairness, rather than just attempting to balance the data. It offers a new approach to algorithm design that considers demographic fairness as a core aspect.”