As part of the Lab Book Club, I interviewed Jeff Howe, author of the very interesting Crowdsourcing. We marched through the book’s chapters in an hour-long session in the Nieman Foundation’s basement; here’s the third chunk, about 11 minutes, which covers chapters 6 and 7. (Technically, it’s the second half of the second chunk, but our style guide gives us no point of reference on chunk-numbering.) Some of the issues we cover:
— The political prediction markets, like Intrade
— What the economic collapse tells us about the idea of collective intelligence
— Does it help or hurt to pay the crowd — or at least part of it?
— Is there a size at which the crowd becomes effective?
My thanks to our own Ted Delaney for the shooting and editing. For more about the Lab Book Club, including links to past installments, check here.
Nieman Book Club: Jeff Howe, part 2b from Nieman Journalism Lab Book Club on Vimeo.