Nieman Foundation at Harvard
Beehiiv is the latest platform to try to lure independent journalists with perks
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March 11, 2009, 4:25 a.m.

“Predisposed to miserabilism”

While we’re thinking Big Thoughts about what to do after the last press wheezes to its end, I thought I’d share this funny graf about newspapermen from James Lileks, newspaperman:

You can’t avoid being tagged as habitual downers when you’re in the news business, because the Truth Hurts, or at least Hurts Someone Else – but sometimes I suspect many people in the news business are temperamentally predisposed to miserabilism, because the idea of an unjust world run by monied smileys explains why the cheerleader turned them down for a date in high school. But I know too many who don’t fit that mold. So ignore the above, except when it seems to explain something. Except when you read someone who seems to think that by afflicting the comfortable, the afflicted are automatically comforted. As if writing is charity.

From today’s Bleat.

POSTED     March 11, 2009, 4:25 a.m.
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Beehiiv is the latest platform to try to lure independent journalists with perks
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