Nieman Foundation at Harvard
That time Rupert Murdoch endorsed Jimmy Carter (no, really)
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Oct. 21, 2009, 11 a.m.

Links on Twitter: Revenue trouble for indy political bloggers, Yahoo launching news blog, book publishers holding back digital editions

Indy political blogging pioneers, Atrios and Digby, say revenue is down as they face corporate competition »

Yahoo launching a news blog with mix of aggregation and reporting, run by @agolis, who’s leaving TPM »

Authors, increasing 10x every year, will soon be majority of world population (HT @scottros»

Texas Tribune, launching soon, has raised $3.5M from founder, @knightfdn, small donors, corporate sponsors »

Book publishers try holding back digital editions while @doctorow gives them away »

POSTED     Oct. 21, 2009, 11 a.m.
PART OF A SERIES     Twitter
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That time Rupert Murdoch endorsed Jimmy Carter (no, really)
It was the first time many Americans saw Rupert Murdoch using his news outlets to advance his interests — and a lesson in how a media mogul’s outside financial ties can taint the editorial product.
GBH tried to sell the home of a legendary radio station. It kicked off a proxy war for the soul of audio.
“Woods Hole tends to be pretty passionate about things, and when people get startled they get angry.”
Let’s fact-check Mark Zuckerberg’s fact-checking announcement
Zuckerberg didn’t mention that a big chunk of the content fact-checkers have been flagging is not political speech, but the low-quality spammy clickbait that Meta platforms have commodified.