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That time Rupert Murdoch endorsed Jimmy Carter (no, really)
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Nov. 20, 2009, 6:22 p.m.

Links on Twitter: Interview with Josh Cohen of Google News, AP literally tore apart Palin’s book, NYT’s Chicago edition debuts without paid ads

Important! Part two of @dannysullivan‘s interview with Josh Cohen of Google News. Lots of great advice »

The AP literally tore apart Sarah Palin’s book to scan and search their exclusive copy (HT @jenny8lee»

BBC News gets 29% of UK traffic from search engines. And now its headlines are SEO-friendly »

NYT’s Chicago edition debuted today without paid ads Bay Area edition had a half-pager »

Fox Sports challenging ESPN, Comcast, and regional newspapers in big fight for local markets on the web »

Take a look at the huge infographic on A1 of the The Daily Herald in Everett, WA yesterday »

POSTED     Nov. 20, 2009, 6:22 p.m.
PART OF A SERIES     Twitter
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That time Rupert Murdoch endorsed Jimmy Carter (no, really)
It was the first time many Americans saw Rupert Murdoch using his news outlets to advance his interests — and a lesson in how a media mogul’s outside financial ties can taint the editorial product.
GBH tried to sell the home of a legendary radio station. It kicked off a proxy war for the soul of audio.
“Woods Hole tends to be pretty passionate about things, and when people get startled they get angry.”
Let’s fact-check Mark Zuckerberg’s fact-checking announcement
Zuckerberg didn’t mention that a big chunk of the content fact-checkers have been flagging is not political speech, but the low-quality spammy clickbait that Meta platforms have commodified.