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Oct. 5, 2010, 6 p.m.

Links on Twitter: TPM’s hiring, Kurtz leaves WaPo for Daily Beast, marijuana offers new revenue stream for newspapers

Colorado Springs Independent hires new reporter, promotes three staffers, thanks to medical marijuana ads

Old media to new: Howard Kurtz signs on to the Daily Beast

More Political Punch: Jake Tapper will host weekly webcast on

In a mobile TV for smartphone test users said they want live, local news

We’ll be chatting with @nickbilton about journalism, biz models, and his great new book later this week. Have a question for him? @ us!

So what’s .@marcoarment working on now? Instapaper rolls out $1/month subscriptions

Hulu CEO to mag publishers: “Content is discretionary, so you better focus on convenience”

Know a great reporter TPM should snap up? Let @joshtpm know

POSTED     Oct. 5, 2010, 6 p.m.
PART OF A SERIES     Twitter
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