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Nov. 3, 2010, 12:30 p.m.

ONA10 Rewind: Recapping Saturday sessions through the lens of Twitter

For the second year in a row we’re running through the highlights of this year’s Online News Association Conference thanks to the power of Twitter (and those handy hashtags.) Running through Saturday’s sessions, it was a day featuring discussion on building better apps, how to elicit the best content from readers, the top tech trends of the year, and some rally taking place on the Mall. And, of course, WikiLeaks and The Onion. Only at ONA.

Having sifted through more than a thousand ONA tweets, we’re happy to announce our MVTs — Most Valuable Tweeters. This esteemed honor goes to the ONA attendees whose livetweeting was sufficiently voluminous and excellent to merit special recognition. They are: @KimFox (Kim Fox), @ethanklapper (Ethan Klapper), @tgdavidson (Tom Davidson), and @emraguso (Emilie Raguso). We hope their fingers are resting comfortably.

For more remember to check out the Saturday ONA10 schedule as its updated with presentations. And remember to check out Friday’s sessions, which we posted yesterday.

9 a.m.

A Wikileaks Download (#ONA10 #wikileaks)

Brooke Gladstone, On the Media
Gavin MacFadyen, Centre for Investigative Journalism
Jim Michaels, USA TODAY
Clothilde Le Coz, Reporters Without Boarders

“The boundaries of digital journalism were Topic A on July 25, when a little-known Wikileaks released a 92,000-page dump of classified documents relating to the U.S. involvement of the war in Afghanistan. WNYC’s Brooke Gladstone leads the panel in examining what this could mean for journalism and the role of the Internet in news and information.”

kcorrick: Jim Michaels, military cover USA today, is making comparisons with the Pentagon Papers 1SHRMScribe: 122,000 registered deaths of civilians; 15,000 gruesome deaths — there was a massive coverup of info by govt, docu show

yurivictor: Wikileaks did a huge service for human rights

kcorrick: ‘The first record of what happened, to enable us to memorialise what has gone on… a huge human rights service’ MacFadyen

1SHRMScribe: Knowing this info helps ppl memorialize these deaths-somehing that wud hv been unknown w/0

yurivictor: USA reaction to Wikileaks shows journalism is at risk

nytjim: MacFadyen made effective argument for release of #wikileaks docs, saying the information otherwise would never be known

yurivictor: The winners of war will no longer write history

Zhengyou: Clear divide between U.S. and overseas journalists on issue #wikileaks #ona10, to “challenge with the victors own documents.”

stacyannj: This is probably the first time the definitive history will be challenged with the victor’s own documents.

meg_e_martin: Signif now: We don’t get the smoking gun; #journos get data dumps/pkgs of docs that need databasing.

Zhengyou: #wikileaks divide breaks on the issue of dumping and editorial propriety

stacyannj: Gladstone: Data dumping is a technique the government will actually use to obscure information.

nytjim: MacFayden argues lapses in redaction of 1st #wikileaks dump were driven by time demands & need to affect course of war.

yurivictor: USA vs the world on opinion of Wikileaks

KTKING: Le Coz: “The future of journalism will be done by non journalists. That’s what’s worrying the journalists about #wikileaks.”

kcorrick: Q: Is everyone who dumps documents a journalist, is everyone now a journalist? is everyone who releases info a journo?

kcorrick: You are reporter dependent on the value of the information you have not if you have a press card, says le Coz

kcorrick: Q from floor: Should it make an ethical difference whether the information is leaked or hacked?

hmKuldell: #wikileaks panel takeaway: states can have secrets but can’t hide embarrssing info thru overclassifying

10:15 a.m.

Creating Killer Apps with Public Data (#ONA10 #killerapps)

Bill Allison, Sunlight Foundation
Rufus Pollock, Open Knowledge Foundation

“As the government unloads more data — on everything from the stimulus, taxes and spending to the safety of child car seats — developers, designers and journalists have developed show-stopping ways to make the numbers more accessible. See demos, hear cases studies, and learn the secrets of scraping data.”

kimfox: Pollock: Everyone pays taxes, everyone uses public service, curious to follow the dollars

wdmmg: The website for the project @rufuspollock is talking about is Where Does My Money Go

kimfox: Pollock: I got started with the Q: Where does my $ go when I pay taxes?

meg_e_martin: One reason to do it: b/c just about everyone pays taxes, just about everyone uses public services.

meg_e_martin: Check it out:, created by #UK’s Open Knowledge Foundation. Slick

davidherzog: Data apps take lots of background work, research. Not easy tracking govt spending w/#killerapps

dskok: Po: Spent 8 months accessing FOI data and cleaning it up for use

wdmmg: Another challenge is getting the databases and datasets. We spend lots of time working on FOI requests says @rufuspollock

kcorrick: We’ve built our own API, it enables others to build their own apps, do their own research on the data says @rufuspollock

stacyannj: One of the exciting things to me is allowing the community to start editing the data, says @rufuspollock

sacmcdonald: not just about gathering data, but enriching and improving it, says @rufuspollock.

dskok: To do; Use eye candy, improve source data, community: commenting/annotation: data about the Data, what’s hot?

emraguso: sunlight is trying to make the data much more accessible to the public — all about the visuals, folks @bill_allison

dskok: Politiwidgets: Take political influence data, process, reformat, make it avail, easy to circulate.

emraguso: politiwidgets lets you search your address and find all kind of info on politicians @bill_allison

davidherzog: visualization of #opendata makes it more accessible and interesting for the public.

dskok: Data viz requires the same tenets of storytelling: contextual and relevant information.

emraguso: politiwidgets is easy to embed, customize for blogs. very cool, easy, informative. wish #patch had embed @bill_allison

emraguso: can find fundraisers and recovery money recipients with sunshine foundation apps @bill_allison

meg_e_martin: Huge opportunity in directive: @sunfoundation working on public-facing national #data #apps

meg_e_martin: One of their projects: Took raw data from & created hospital compare #iphone #app

emraguso: ResDAC sounds like the holy grail of medical data @bill_allison

emraguso: But ResDAC is prohibitively expensive and you need a flowchart to see how to get your info request met @bill_allison

DanaChinn: Lots of data out there but the really good data is hard to get & clean up so it’s usable, accessible

stacyannj: Sunshine Foundation has talked to about national data and received quote in millions of dollars.

kcorrick: Q: I hoped when I came to this session you’d show us how easy this was. *audience laughs*,

emraguso: sunshine foundation has a policy shop that works with govt and tries to get them to keep better records @bill_allison

DanaChinn: Getting data is getting easier but as you push the envelope you want more data-Rufus Pollock

emraguso: problem is legacy systems set up before anyone thought of making data public. getting it fixed takes time @bill_allison

stacyannj: Useful tools for data analysis & viz: Moving away from Flash to javascript. Happening now, says @rufuspollock

wdmmg: Protovis is a really good tool if you want to start doing visualisations , says @rufuspollock

emraguso: good first project: look at your local spending, the local budget. zoning decisions are really big @rufuspollack

meg_e_martin: Tip: Use #javascript over #flash with #data viz; add #Protovis ( to your toolbox #code

emraguso: sunlight believes the govt shld make the data available. then journalists can decide what public needs @bill_allison

Turning Bits into Bucks (#ONA10 #bitsbucks)

Mark Briggs, Serra Media, Ford Fellow for Entrepreneurial Journalism at Poynter
Michele McLellan, Knight Digital Media Center, Reynolds Journalism Institute
Mike Orren, Pegasus News
Rafat Ali, Founder, PaidContent

“Learn how journalists have found success as entrepreneurs, from startup software companies to local bloggers, using innovation to power new business models for news.”

lcirivello: “If you are a journalist and want to be an entrepreneur — you need a serious attitude adjustment” @michelemclellan

stevebuttry: Paid circulation is the most ridiculous metric to determine what you’ll charge for ads, @mikeorren of @pegasusnews tells #bitsbucks

andrewjpolk: In the #BitsBucks session. For journalism start-ups, @michelemclellan rightly says content cannot be the only focus. Gotta get paid

tgdavidson: Mike Pegasus gets 80 pct from display; e-commerce/groupon play is 10 pct but growing fast

susanmernit: #bitsbucks #ona10: @mikeorren describing how he started @pegasusnews 5 years ago….in Dallas…wanted better news, basically

perfectmarket: “.@paidContent we targeted influential audience; thru ads, classifieds, conferences — 1/2 of rev = conferences.” @rafatali

tgdavidson: Rafat: started PdContent bec. got out of school just as 1st tech bubble burst. Created site as a sort of a digital resume

kimfox: How do we unlock content and marry with portable platform? How do we add the social layer? These are some interesting Qs

brianjameskirk: 3 entrep models: micro neighb cov (ads), capacity-building comm sites (grants), regn sites (multiple)

tgdavidson: Michelle: The bigger the org, the more req for multistream revenues — memberships/donations, ad nets, etc.

stevebuttry: .@pegasusnews identifies user interests for content hubs & deliver targeted ads, @mikeorren says.

tmcenroe: takeaway so far — not shocking, but ad-dependent models are not a great way to build a news property these days.

tgdavidson: Mark — partner with big media? Mike: depends. As a rule, tho, same size or smlr partners better. Big prtnr problematic

andrewjpolk: Local blog collectives team up with online subscription newspaper to streamline revenue streams? A mouthful, but it works

stevebuttry: “Training local businesses to use digital social media” is another revenue model, says @michelemclellan

kimfox: How is consumption changing/How do media companies adapt? some of most interesting areas at moment

tgdavidson: Rafat on his nxt step: bearish on ability to do another news startup Form factor is more intg to him (port. books)

andrewjpolk: Seems like as much time and innovation needs to go into revenue systems as the content itself for a startup to work

tgdavidson: What are int’d models for nonprofits? Michelle: 120 of 1500 she studied were “promising” — two legged stools

kimfox: One weakness of journos (acc to panel): Inability to talk about/ask for money

tgdavidson: Michelle: j’ists work hard, focus, hit deadlines, all gd traits. But you have to apply those skills beyond content

kimfox: Why journos mk good start-up ppl: Critical thinking skills, deadline-driven, focus, hustle and hard workers

kimfox: Startups: Doesn’t matetr how much goodwill you have, if ad companies don’t know who you are

andrewjpolk: @MikeOrren If no-one on your team has sold an add, go find someone who has. You’re going to have to sell.

kimfox: Journalists have the ability to work with passion for peanuts — makes them great startup ppl

stevebuttry: In question from floor, @janjlab says one of the toughest things for journopreneur to learn is to “make the big ask.”

tgdavidson: @jans good content alone doesn’t cut it — need engagement (and multiple skills)

craiglstone: Jan Schaffer from @JLab ruffling some feathers in #bitsbucks panel. Says most journalists are not equipped to be entrepreneurs.

tgdavidson: Rafat: if you can’t make the ask, you don’t have a biz. But you don’t have to answer EVERY question first

tgdavidson: Mike; telld @jans he thinks they agree more than disagree. Prob isn’t lack of journalism; prob is biz model

tmcenroe: @mikeorren sez: If you have an ad model, your readers are not your customers. Your advertisers are.

tgdavidson: Mike: if your goal is to only do j’ism, you’re a charity not a biz. Lack of innov in rev models

SuziSteffen: .@susanmernit says learn how to be a salesperson. “I don’t want to hire salespeople until I know how to do their job.”

stevebuttry: Big mistake: Underestimated how long & hard it was to build a brand in ad community, @mikeorren says

stevebuttry: We went out w/ complex ad model. Bells & whistles got meetings, but customer wanted simple run-of-site, @mikeorren says.

andrewjpolk: @MikeOrren — It’s a long hard road to develop a brand w/ advertising community. Ad decisions are not always rational

tgdavidson: Rafat: mistakes? Where do I start? Name; no comments (due to spam); accounting!

kimfox: Rafat: Stay organized — as a journo keep your financial house in order

tgdavidson: Mike: huge mistake in time spent pitching VCs on a nat’l biz rather than bldg his business

stevebuttry: .@pegasusnews wasted too much time planning big plan, @mikeorren says. Build something cheap and fast and get moving

kimfox: Journos: Do the thing that is your thing. Let open source community worry about your technology

farano: @rafatali the problem w/ news entrepreneurs is that they talk all the time about themselves

craiglstone: @rafatali says “Keep your head down and work. Don’t worry about 50 business models in the industry”

cnewvine: It’s easy to find people to write for free. It’s harder to find people who will sell ads for free.

tgdavidson: @markbriggs Two Ford prize winners: Localocracy (commenting) and Rocky Mtn Inv News Netwk

tgdavidson: Parting advice: Michelle I figure out what you don’t know. Mike: know whose problem ur slvg

digitalamysw: Briggs: power combo to have in creating startup: creativity, optimism, risk and lots of hard work

Rewiring the Ivory Tower (#ONA10 #academia)

David Johnson, American University
Emily Bell, Columbia University
Rich Gordon, Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University
Mindy McAdams, University of Florida

“Revamping journalism curriculum is a tricky tightrope walk, balancing digital skills, academics and computer science. How do accrediting standards and the arms race for shorter degrees set the boundaries for the new journalism degree? Panelists share what is being lost and what is being gained.”

darthcheeta: @emilybell: the digital business becomes a legacy business if you don’t keep pushing it

lsnifka: #ona10 mindy mcadams: need to figure out a way to get past the remedial. This woman is my hero.

yurivictor: Does your journalism school teach javascript? Not a lot of hands going up.

j_nb: As multimedia skills become standard for journalists, interactive journalism needs to move forward, says @darthcheeta how?

jackiesauter: @emilybell ‘It’s time for academia to really lead the (journalism) industry’ on a large scale cressman: How competent are our digital native students? @macloo suggests asking them how many have uploaded a video

j_nb: It’s hard for newsrooms to have an alchemy between technical creative thinking and journalism, says Emily bell

cressman: Problem of multimedia capstone, says @macloo, is bdcst or print students don’t know programming & CS students lack journo

amandabee: #ona10 #academia we do students a real disservice by referring to them as digital natives. They’ve consumed, not produced

fishnette: Fundamental skills in multimedia & how the web works are often missing Mindy McAdams says

mckennaewen: Coming from #academia: Profs need to wow students & show them what’s possible, then give them the basic tools to get in the door

amandabee: Okay, so who is teaching news apps? CAR 201, no?

j_nb: Are we just training citizen journos w/ a lot of student debt if we don’t talk abt entrepreneurialism, asks @darthcheeta

sgoldenberg: #ona10 #academia: Why innovation is coming from Computer Science and not from us? Great panel! @macloo @richgor, @darthcheeta, @emilybell

mckennaewen: At #academia, @richgor suggests separating the j-school curriculum into 3 subjects: storytelling, reporting & producing / publishing

sgoldenberg: #ona10 #academia @darthcheeta we should not prepare “citizen journalists with a big loan debt”

sgoldenberg: #ona10 #academia Teaching Computational/Multimedia Skills is different from Computation/Digital Media/Theoretical/Critical thinking

cressman: It would be useful to #crowdsource a list of tech/programming skills j-school students need.

btrpkc: How do we train young journos to be publishers? Technologists? I want those people working for me at @NPR.

cressman: Are partnerships creating innovation centers, farm teams, or sweatshops, @darthcheeta asks.

momiperalta: Rich Gordon: /Emily Bell theres a risk in academic- media partnerships because students are in learning period

yurivictor: Holding a microphone in front of a camera isn’t a skill

cressman: If students need to be good at one thing in order to get a job, says @macloo, it should not be TV news or newspaper.

kellyfincham: #ONA10 #academia @macloo People in the sweet spot of design and coding know html, css and javascript which most j-profs are not teaching

yurivictor: Journalism tech cheat sheet

cressman: Today’s j-students will continue to learn. @darthcheeta offered this cartoon to illustrate the point.

drsyb: #ona10 #academia nothing in digital is ever done. Past taught as polished and perfect. Change is the way it is. Emily Bell

jo_in_la: not hearing: how to engage w/a community. It’s not only about story& tech — it’s also relationships.

amandabee: And news judgment. We still need that

11:30 a.m.

Android, iPad and Beyond (#ONA10 #mobile)

Jamie Pallot, Conde Nast Digital
Jim Spencer, Newsy
Liesel Kipp, Thomson Reuters
John-Henry Barac, Barac Consulting

“The web is increasingly moving from the desktop to the palm of your hand. Learn the best practices for creating content for mobile and touch devices.”

publicinsight: Always suspected this, #mobile session confirms: users love icons…and they really love to touch icons. Put icons in your apps.

publicinsight: Show of hands from Blackberry users elicits groans and giggles. It’s the AOL e-mail address of #mobile devices.

girljournalist: When it comes to #mobile apps, “It’s about truly interacting with the device” says @newsydotcom’s Jim Spencer

kev097: Newsy app was built by 22 and 23 year olds who innately understand all the touch gestures.

digitalamysw: Barac: There are fundamental differences in design for the mobile vs. web — very important point

TylerMachado: Don’t make apps (even iPad ones) look like newspapers. AMEN.

digitalamysw: Barac: We should not be afraid — try new UI and experiment

agahran: Guardian #mobile developer advocates apps targeting content verticals, like sports or environment

publicinsight: Stop trying to provide ALL your content on your #mobile apps. Make apps that will fulfill a key need of your user where they ar

girljournalist: Build your own or go w/ vendor? You can learn more by doing it yourself & be better prepared for what comes next panel says.

ckanal: #Mobile = “personal media devices,” says @jamesjspencer. Customization important. Touch offers user feeling of control

girljournalist: Design mobile content w/ mobile audience in mind. It’s not a website. It’s diff. More intimate, singular focus.

girljournalist: Mobile apps need singular focus. Do one specific thing, do it well, make it specific to the device says Conde Nast’s Pallot

publicinsight: Seems like #mobile news app creators should be lobbying HEAVILY for public transportation so people have time to use their stuff.

publicinsight: Seems like #mobile news app creators should be lobbying HEAVILY for public transportation so people have time to use their stuff.

ckanal: Use tags creatively to re-organize your content in many ways on #mobile says @johnhenry from @guardian.

girljournalist: Reviews, ratings, social sharing from app, Apple featured app — this is how you will get the word out about your #mobile app.

publicinsight: Seems obvious, but many orgs blow this. @johnhenry: Promote your #mobile apps on your main Web site. Your target audience is there.

ckanal: “Do something Apple really likes” w/ UI, something no one else has done, says @jpallot1 of Conde Nast

girljournalist: Is ASO (App Search Optimization) coming next? Right now, it’s about marketing, branding. See previous tweet

DanaChinn: Barac: mobile metrics showed there might be place for app for ppl who spend a lot of time w/mobile at home

ElenaTheRican: 20% of iPad use is in bed. #mobile #ONA10 No wonder Americans are so tense. #putdownthemobiledeviceanddowhatnatureintended

ckanal: Level of interaction on #mobile “fantastically important” says @johnhenry. Think social when developing your apps

agahran: Well, #ONA10 #mobile session is concluding, and they succeeded in avoiding any discussion of feature phones & mobile web. #Doh!

tmcenroe: Surprise at iPhone/iPad use in bed? Why? It’s instant on, not hot, portable. Multimedia experience of reading before bed

jrstahl: @agahran Ignoring feature phones a widespread problem…is so different than smartphones and really needs its own discussion

Seven Deadly Sins of Data Visualization (#ONA10 #dataviz)

Hannah Fairfield, The Washington Post
Juan Thomassie, USA TODAY
Geoff McGhee, Stanford University

“Face it: if your data display doesn’t look good it might as well not exist. Harness data visualization by being a smart producer and consumer of infographics.”

ethanklapper: Fairfield using a case study about foreclosures from when she was at the NYT. 3D map. Pretty neat

kcorrick: Aha: sin no. 1: when trying to show everything you lose the sense of story

emilywithrow: Yes, my favorite question: Hannah Fairfield: “Just because we can, should we?” Sometimes more data = loss of narrative.

denisereagan: We need to work harder to tell stories with interactives, not just set people loose to play.

ethanklapper: Now @hfairfield is showing one of my favorite Web visualizations: the Netflix maps:

annatauzin: A showcase of #dataviz projects from @hfairfield, right now WaPo’s A Source of Crime Guns

annatauzin: Woohoo! Now @jthomassie1 from USA Today. He says #dataviz is a passion for him, especially how it relates to storytelling

ethanklapper: Three parts to data visualization, JT says: Data, Design, Development

hbillings: Data + Design + Development = data viz. (Wow, Venn diagrams are popular at this conference!)

ethanklapper: Rare to find all of these skills in one persion, JT says, so you need to collaborate.

ethanklapper: This guy visualized his own presentation. He took the venn diagram and made a tag cloud out of it!

ethanklapper: Another really neat news visualization site:

jrstahl: Layers of information accessible through interactivity. Incredible how powerful well-organized data is for storytelling

ethanklapper: As an #avgeek, I just got excited. Thomassie now showing a graphic of holiday travel cutbacks:

richgor: Another fab #dataviz #ona10 Alas, Flash=iPadfail ·

annatauzin: Journalism in the Age of Data from Stanford’s Geoff McGhee. #dataviz #ona10

ethanklapper: Really unfortunate that there are many, many empty chairs at #dataviz. Folks are missing out on an awesome session.

ethanklapper: Look! An academic paper from Stanford about narrative vis!

annatauzin: Inspiration found in comic books, movies, video games says Geoff McGhee.

annatauzin: Ethos of Visualization: Transparency, Conversation, Exploration

annatauzin: Transparency: Allow the audience to download the data themselves or see where you got it

ethanklapper: This cool thing got a passing mention: “Visualizing the Rural West.” McGhee says it needs more work.

annatauzin: Think about partnering with a university or other experts outside of your newsroom if you don’t have an whiz on staff.

ethanklapper: uses Omniture to track metrics. Saw it in use at @NPR on Thursday, too

MollyGrayOSU: You need to build a #dataviz engine to create good things often and get a cost-benefit

Ten Tech Trends in ’10 (#ONA10 #techtrends)

Amy Webb, Webbmedia Group

“Think you finally have a handle on the latest technological developments? Think again. Amy Webb is back again to highlight the latest tech trends for the dawn of a new decade.”

stacyannj: Jon Stewart does not have the goodies I’m going to be giving you today, says Amy Webb. #techtrends #rally4sanity #ONA10

stacyannj: Trend #1: Mobile Scanning, ie: QR codes.

greglinch: .@webbmedia highlighting @SunSentinel use of QR codes in the newspaper, an effort led by @dannysanchez

Twheat: @webbmedia extolling the virtues of QR codes, Valentines Day games, and the BK Whopper Bar at #ONA10

mckennaewen: At #techtrends, @webbmedia suggests using QR codes within print stories to drive traffic to multimedia projects

KevinLoker: Contextual link for @webbmedia’s talk! Just spoke with her on the status of her #techtrends from ’09

emraguso: New optical recognition … can put phone over magazine ad to make the ad come to life… oohs and aaaahs

stacyannj: Geofence app for iPhone: Keep track of your kids. Messages and alerts when they’re somewhere they shouldn’t be.

emraguso: Geofences can help curb your cravings, send a message: “Hey fatty, don’t go to the Pink Berry”

stacyannj: Trend 2: Geofencing! Foursquare not ideal b/c have to manually check in. Don’t have to really be somewhere to che

meghannCIR: Another fantastic idea: hyperlink in print so phones can scan.

stacyannj: TabbedOut: Check into a bar with your credit card. Easy to get drinks, tip bartender, pay tab, avoid boozey over tipping

emraguso: Trend #3: Predictive Analysis kimfox: iSwig: Check-in cocktail drinkers (HJI-LARIOUS:

ladansusan: “people don’t just want the merit badge anymore-they want something associated with it” @webmedia

drsyb: #ona10 @webbmedia #techtrends new Checkin services Plerts, iSwig, tabbedout, fanvibe. I smell API mashups everywhere.

Twheat: Hyperlocal Hype Cycle — consumer interest yet to match media’s excitement.

drsyb: #ona10 #techtrends @webbmedia data you share on FB fuels predictive analysis is making others money. What are YOU going to DO?

Twheat: #techtrends #ona10 Stealth social net readers like Kuplia makes smart predictions from info users willingly share

emraguso: trend #4: claim is that hyperlocal hype cycle is waning

mckennaewen: Here are some of the cool location-based apps from @webbmedia’s #techtrends presentation: GeoFences, iSwig, Burc, TabbedOut, Plerts

emraguso: for news organizations: lots of free tools where you can monitor predictive analysis

kimfox: Webb: People are freely/unwittingly giving away data. Reporters should be paying attention to this for stories/biz dev

emraguso: trend #5 — dynamic curation (e.g., flipboard) meghannCIR: Don’t be hyper-local, be hyper-personal

stacyannj: Hyper personal content needs to be real-time. Maps + citizen journ not enough.

nytjim: More Webb: “Local is where I am right now, not where I live.”

fcoel: The 5 hyper-personal rules #ona10 #techtrends

Twheat: @webbmedia — “Flipboard is the future of news, as far as I’m concerned.”

emraguso: another crop of tools, wavii — will use natural language processing, will personal based on how you search

nytjim: More Webb: Big shoutouts for Flipboard, Pulse and Storify.

KevinLoker: A bit better graphic of “The Hyperlocal Hype Cycle.” #ona10 #techtrends

kimfox: Webb: All the news orgs are spending millions on apps. All Flipboard is, is an algorithm. News orgs cld DO THIS

drsyb: #ona10 @webbmedia #techtrends #6 search is getting personal. Greplin search your cloud self gmail, linkedin, FB etc

emraguso: greplin looks through everything you have stored in the cloud

mckennaewen: At #techtrends, @webbmedia is showing off as a multimedia presentation tool. Love it.

ladansusan: for someone who forgets my hundreds of gchat conversations, this is perfect @webmedia #techtrends

emraguso: “big big things are happening around the personal search”

stacyannj: Spokeo: Paid service. Looks thru social networks, can find all your usernames with e-mail address used to registe

carrieCIR: Flipboard. Storify. Wavii. Qwiki. Dynamic, real-time, RSS-generated content aggregator displays.

emraguso: trend #7: augmented reality (so please groan)

kimfox: Webb: Re/ Personal search: golden age to be reporter. If you say it sucks to be reporter, you dnt know what you’re doing

emraguso: trend #8: tablets (2011 is the year of the tablet), more iPods at #ONA10 than at the #apple store

kimfox: Key Takeaway: Are you geotagging your stories? Aug Reality/Diminshed Reality for reporting and publishing

cressman: OMG: Image recognition and social networks fueling diminished reality.

emraguso: diminished reality allows you to smudge something out of a live event in real time, very hard to detect

nytjim: Webb looks at tablet future: So many models coming out with no definite standard.

yurivictor: Let’s all agree on a tablet to develop for and push the market in one direction (might be illegal).

petersmeg: “@mashable should be your daily vitamin” -@webbmedia

ladansusan: newsrooms: know what tools your audience uses to figure out which to invest in

cressman: All these different tablets and mobiles coming means APIs and algorithms make sense

stacyannj: Trend #9: Interactive TV, a la Google TV or WebTV from 10 yrs. ago. Webb’s bribing us w/Starbucks coffee

meghannCIR: Love info @webbmedia is giving us, but challenge is keeping news informative, factual while using tools

robbmontgomery: My question for Webb. Should publishers turn off their RSS feeds when they go behind paywall or meter paid content?

kimfox: Webb final trend: Get ready for tags in the real world (RFID: You scan over a chip, and something happens

Webb: CNN could benefit from My Generation app — which displays content in sync with TV programming

emraguso: Contra Costa County is tagging kids with RFID @eastbaypatch

KevinLoker: Fun part about #ona10 #techtrends session? Faces. Some people seem to have never heard of the coolest ones! Hope it inspires reading

emraguso: Like it or not, next iteration of mobile phones will have sensor technology

emraguso: Amy Webb is wearing a prototype sensor that lets you sync your body to your phone #BodyMedia

drsyb: #ona10 @webbmedia #techtrends Body Media measures your body’s energy and provides data syncs with phones. Consumers love metrics

12:45 p.m.

You Invent It, They Fund It 2010: Lunch with Knight News Challenge Winners (#ONA10 #knclunch)

Jose Zamora, Knight Foundation
Retha Hill, New Media Innovation Lab
Amanda Hickman, DocumentCloud
Eric Gundersen, Development Seed
Aaron Presnall, Jefferson Institute

“Interested in finding out how to apply for this year’s $5 million Knight News Challenge? Join Knight Foundation’s Jose Zamora and past winners as they demonstrate the innovations designed to bring news and information to communities in new ways.”

jczamora: Welcome to #knclunch! #newschallenge winners: @rethahill @amandabee @ericg @Jeffersoninst Projects:

ElenaTheRican: What Knight News Challenge seeks in grant applications: focus on mobile, business models, authenticity, or community

jczamora: #newschallenge application tip: Follow our blog to learn more about the contest and for more tips & advice.

drsyb: #ona10 @rethahill #knclunch Retha talking about SeedSpeak mobile, geo location app to improve community. Phoenix #5 city in US and growing

digitalamysw: When applying for Knight News Challenge, review the past projects funded — Hill

ElenaTheRican: Hearing about SeedSpeak, a mobile app to plant suggestion “seeds” in Phoenix where you get an idea or see an unmet need

drsyb: #ona10 @rethahill #knclunch To secure funding: research, diagrammed how app would work on phone, on desktop, budget, and business plan

digitalamysw: Hill: Use the open-entry process when applying — to receive key feedback and comments for your project

ElenaTheRican: Policy discourse is driven by data, says Aaron Presnall.

ElenaTheRican: In the “republic of ideas,” sharing another’s inspiration doesn’t cost anything

ElenaTheRican: What do you really want to do, that no one else could finance 1-time only? THAT’s what Knight is looking for.

digitalamysw: More about TileMill:

digitalamysw: Gundersen: Have your code complete and your project launched — can help as you apply

dorsey: Would’ve been really useful to hear from KNC judges who selected the winners — and what elevates an applicant

sacmcdonald: innovation, not invention, is key for Knight News Challenge apps, says @jczamora

2 p.m.

News Apps: Showcase and Strategy (#ONA10 #newsapps)

Katharine Jarmul, USA TODAY
Matt Waite, St. Petersburg Times
Richard Pope,
Aine McGuire,

“In this rapid-fire session, four speakers show the journalistic and technical highlights from some recent news apps, providing insights into the lessons they’ve learned the hard way so you don’t have to.”

ethanklapper: Getting a nice demo of

btrpkc: Coder + British + visuals = Most succinct #ona10 presentation yet

ethanklapper: We’re hearing from the awesome @mattwaite of @PolitiFact. Says “You should always strive for simple.”

ethanklapper: .@mattwaite: “Transparency is like sex.” Says it can be awkward.

ReporterAndrew: #newsapps PolitiFact gave left, right hammer with transparency of sources. PolitiFact, not coincidentally, best in biz.

sgoldenberg: #ona10 #newsapps @mattwaite: “we did not approach it as stories but as structured data”

ethanklapper: We as an industry are focusing too much on content problems and not enough on structured data problems. — @mattwaite

ethanklapper: BOOOOOO. Jarmul: “I don’t use a Macintosh.”

ethanklapper: Jarmul: As journalists, we need to start thinking outside the box. Which is why @hatchjt’s team at @USATODAY was assembled.

ethanklapper: Wow, Jarmul says this elaborate site ( is both mobile and iPad enabled.

yurivictor: Bring together different disciplines (journalists, coders, designers) for successful team

patbrannan2131: @mattwaite made a good point that we often learn more from failing than we do when we get it right.

annatauzin: There is no computer jesus. — @mattwaite

ethanklapper: .@mattwaite: “Programming is an act of journalism.” Killer quote of the day. Small applause from otherwise silent

yurivictor: The secret to programming: Don’t quit.

lheron: Quote actually from @memespring, not @ainemcguire: When u hear ppl say “my tech guy”, that’s not an equal relationship

Tips and Tricks for Shooting Video with Your DSLR (#ONA10 #dslr)

Kurt Lancaster, North Arizona University
Travis Fox, Travis Fox Films
Danfung Dennis, Independent filmmaker

“So you have a DSLR camera. Now what? Learn how to view footage from the field, get good sound, get footage into your computer to edit, and find the gear that’s most useful in the field. The panel will include examples of video journalism, as well as a discussion of how to best use your DSLR for video work.”

emraguso: danfung: space between documentary films and feature films. now we can tell stories in a cinematic way. it’s a new language

cressman: Watching the NPR/Frontline piece on the Haitian Tap Tap buses. Beautifully cinematic video shot with Canon

emraguso: unexpected moment: watching a charming video on snail racing. bejeweled snails!! fascinating stuff. great music too

emraguso: yep, now the snails are humping. along to some lovely piano music. anyone not in here is missing out

emraguso: tip: from KEH photo, can buy zeiss lens for $300. better natural feedback from subjects with small camera

emraguso: danfung: shooting observational footage, audio in camera, 80 hrs of footage. must buy some external mic (rec: ME 66 sennheiser)

emraguso: PBS will blow you off if you don’t have the right audio. he had 100 hrs of footage, had to sync every night, said travis fox

mckennaewen: Now we’re getting into the “never ending debate” of #dslr audio issues

emraguso: danfung said DSLR cameras starting to adapt bc people are starting to pic them up just to shoot video (high intimacy factor)

emraguso: a monitor can be real important during an interview so you can maintain eye contact, tho it’s a matter of preference

mckennaewen: #dslr @TravisFox uses a separate audio recorder to shoot his @frontlinepbs documentaries and syncs each night w/ Plural Eyes.

mrkmully: #ona10 @McKennaEwen #dslr Good to know Danfung Dennis’ amazing footage: shot with mod’d glidecam

3:15 p.m.

Don’t Call it UGC (#ONA10 #notugc)

Laura Brunow Minder, Pictory
Alexis Madrigal, Longshot Magazine
Sarah Rich, Longshot Magazine
Robin Sloan, Twitter

“Professional-level input from a sea of amateurs? Community editorial requires finesse, hard work and a lot of respect for your submitters. Get expert advice on how to encourage high-quality content from a staff of strangers.”

christopherwink: Constraining prompts for contributions is important, says @robinsloan they need to be crafted

ckanal: Love this quote from @robinsloan: “Crowdsourcing is a craft.”

digitalamysw: Excellent points by Sloan: crowdsourcing and citizen journalism are not new — they have existed for centuries. Yes!

Twheat: Rich + Madrigal discussing lessons from 48Hr magazine. Now @longshotmag

digitalamysw: Innovative: Longshot Magazine produced in 48 hours by hundreds of creatives from around the world

Twheat: Sloan asks if community editorial is harder than tradtional? …and it goes largely unanswered.

kimbui: Prompt design and “universal particulars” matter in getting the content you want

lavrusik: Good prompts for community editorial content have “universal particulars” says @robinsloan. Specific but relate-able

chrisboutet: .@LBM’s example of great prompt for user contribution: “The one who got away: Stories of lost love.” Relatable and evocative.

jrstahl: Best #ona10 q so far: “what would our interaction actually be like” — thx for sharing the practical stuff. that’s what we need!

chrisboutet: Is community editorial easier, or harder than “real” content? @LBM: It’s hard, but worth it. Content is always surprisin

Twheat: Madrigal: 48mag got more than 1K fiction submissions in part because they weren’t specific enough in prompt

chrisboutet: Pictory’s @LBM has a Django custom-built CMS (, uses Google Docs for all her editing.

kimfox: “Behinsd every breakthrough project these days is a shared Google spreadsheet’

kimfox: @pictory: Did you pay contributors? 1/4 $ to go back to mag prod, 1/4 to all contribs, 1/4 best 3 submitter, 1/4 crazy stunt

terabithia4: Money is not the only motivator — so is exposure, bragging rights.

fcoel: Really appreciating the CoveritLive for #ona10 #notugc when my english listening comprehension fails

kimfox: @longshot A: Ppl undervalue the Community aspect. Mkng those connection between ppl is of value (reason ppl will contribute)

terabithia4: Don’t assume your readers will be the ones who produce the content = “Joe Francis theory” of content submission.

kimbui: Readers are not always your producers. True, but that only applies to niche or national pubs. Community news is diff…?

terabithia4: One issue: How often do you go to the community?

asoglin: More submissions isn’t better. Better submissions is better.

kimfox: (Brilliant) #notugc: Go on a meme safary. Go on the web, see what ppl are already doing. Incorporate into your edito

kimfox: A: @longshot — all marketing occurred on #twitter. All our traffic from there or email list

lheron: RT @suncorpguy: “Meme safaris” sounds so much classier than stealing somebody else’s great ideas ;-)

kimfox: Incentive for submission at Atlantic: Ppl know their contributions are going to be exposed to a very specific community

kimfox: Miner: We ask ppl who don’t get into the print ed of the mag, to post their stuff and send us their links and we’ll promote

tiffinit: Submission prompts by @Pictory & @LongshotMag remind me of @thesunmagazine’s Readers Write section

Twheat: Madrigal references 50 Posts About Cyborgs — a user submitted science fiction project:

kimfox: You have to have a level of comfort when crowdsourcing content, with content not made for you

chrisboutet: Pictory’s @LBM: The best community submissions is often that which wasn’t made specifically for you, but are still relevant.

Twheat: Miner: With any product — the level of design speaks to the overall quality.

zseward: Did @robinsloan just coin “meme safari”? Definition, I think: scoping the web for resonant ideas. Love it.

emilyingram: Final slide in #notugc: finesse, hard work, respect.

sacmcdonald: Don’t call it ugc, call it crowdsourcing or just plain content.

The Onion: Explaining Over 250 Years of News Dominance (#ONA10 #onion)

Marc Lieberman, The Onion
Baratunde Thurston, The Onion

“From the invention of advertorial content to the development of television news, find out how America’s Finest News Source has managed to stay ahead of the competition for the past several hundred years and continues to lead the way with over 4 million social media connections and top ranking mobile applications.”

emraguso: “by a show of applause, who here does NOT know about the onion?”

emraguso: “World’s largest metaphor hits iceberg” #loveit

emraguso: @baratunde said he’s “every black man” in onion photos

annatauzin: Sometimes all you need is a photo and a headline, says @baratunde

ladansusan: “Huffington post launches new print edition featuring articles torn out of other papers” haha, funny

emraguso: hearing about the onion news network, one of its biggest investments, reaches 500,000 US prison cells @baratunde

notblue: The #Onion uses a state-of-the-art wormhole satellite to bring news from the future.

emraguso: “We’re here in part to share our take on the news industry” #shouldbegood @baratunde

lisalisle: #onion: Majority of newspapers now purchased by kidnappers to prove date.

emraguso: Video: Let’s look at the redesign to target the Globe’s “last three readers” @baratunde

ladansusan: @washingtonpost now delivers on pancakes with a side of bacon

emraguso: Now we’re serious: Went online in 1996. And 7m uniques a month @baratunde

emraguso: And they have 2.5m comments a month — they built it themselves #gettingtechnical @baratunde

emraguso: Four servers, one database; CDN-based, only three developers #wow @baratunde

dorsey: Difficult to tell when The Onion’s Baratunde shifts from parody to “actual facts.” #satiresideeffect

jsabbah: = Django based homegrown CMS (online since 1996)

emraguso: “very lean, very efficient” and we reach a large number of people. no one laughing now @baratunde

jsabbah: The Onion has 2.4 million follows on Twitter and 1.3 million Facebook fans.

emraguso: Says Cornell U study, onion has 4th most influential #twitter feed (after @mashable, CNN, @big_picture) @baratunde

emraguso: Real-time coverage: A little bit new for us. When it comes to major events, #twitter is great for us @baratunde

jsabbah: Onion social media uses = content/viral distribution, breaking news, real-time coverage, participation and nation building.

emraguso: apple rejected the app for a game to shoot people in the face, but they built #facebook page #ohwell @baratunde

ladansusan: The Onion is the 4th most influential news account on Twitter

emraguso: 1m downloads on Android and iPhone @baratunde

notblue: “Apps are like children.” You have to feed them, clothe them, take care of them. Makes sense.

emraguso: Next platforms will include: Tablets, @GoogleTV, @Foursquare, @IFC & @ComedyCentral @baratunde

emraguso: Gonna be a launch spotlight partner on @GoogleTV @baratunde

emraguso: Show launching on @IFC in Jan. taking Web video and forcing it into people’s homes (w/ more commercials) @baratunde

annatauzin: Final slide of the #onion presentation. :) #ona10

heidide: Thurston: “Execute ideas, not people.”

ladansusan: “how many lawyers do you have on staff.”

sacmcdonald: Only one #onion writer knows ap style.

taliawhyte: Marc Lieberman said that when the #onion won the Peabody Award, half the staff didn’t know what the award was

POSTED     Nov. 3, 2010, 12:30 p.m.
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