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Feb. 1, 2011, 6 p.m.

Links on Twitter: Google and Twitter team up, redesign rollout at Gawker sites and a comp. journalism reading list

Assessing Patch and its effect on hyperlocal journalism »

Is it time for news organizations to speak in favor of Net Neutrality? »

Interested in computer science and journalism? Jonathan Stray presents a computational journalism reading list »

CitizenTube has a constantly updated collection of videos coming from Egypt »

"Why did you do this to me? Change is scary!" Jalopnik among the first with new layout from Gawker Media »

Post-script: The @Niemanstory editors’ roundtable examine’s Time’s coverage of the AZ shootings »

Americans love TV, then the Internet, and somewhere down the line, books, according to survey »

USAToday and IRE team-up to offer analysis-ready Census data to members »

Is working in "the salt mines of the aggregator" the new "paying your dues" in journalism? »

CSI: API – ProPublica is offering up its state and county level data on medical examiners in the US »

Project, the iPad magazine, has seen some success at $2.99, editors say »

Al Jazeera English is using ScribbleLive to get updates out of Egypt quickly »

Can we glean lessons on The Daily (and News Corp) from iGuide, a digital product that didn’t make it? »

Readability wants users to read later, and publishers get to get a cut »

How Google and Twitter teamed up to use voicemail to get Tweets out of Egypt »

POSTED     Feb. 1, 2011, 6 p.m.
PART OF A SERIES     Twitter
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What will a conservative National Labor Relations Board mean for news unions?
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“People are tired of the political news cycle in Spain. It’s non-stop. It’s four big things a day. It’s crazy. And that’s something that doesn’t benefit news consumption. People are overwhelmed.”
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