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Feb. 7, 2011, 6 p.m.

Links on Twitter: Reconciling Patch and Huffpo, Audioboo looks for media partners and Flipboard vs. The Daily

The breakfast test: How does The Daily stack up against Flipboard? »

Twitter & Facebook "do a very good job of filtering out the fake news" »

Readability and Instapaper team up to make reading later pay just a little »

How exactly will HuffPo’s sensibility match with the mission of sites? »

How @WestWingReport gets the most out of Twitter and White House reporting »

DocumentCloud in action: How PBS NewsHour, WNYC and The Washington Post use DocumentCloud »

My Boss is a Robot: It’s only a matter of time before the machines take over journalism »

Testing curation: An eye tracking survey on how well curation works on NYT topic pages »

NewsBeast has the writers, but do they have the web team to succeed? »

"PDF is to e-publishing what the steam locomotive is to the high-speed train" »

Report: Yahoo is developing its own Flipboard-esque app »

Audioboo plans to partner with media companies to add audio recording to other apps »

The case for even more metrics in online journalism »

AOL/HuffPo deal puts Arianna in charge of all editorial content. Also MovieFone and Mapquest »

POSTED     Feb. 7, 2011, 6 p.m.
PART OF A SERIES     Twitter
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