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March 1, 2011, 6 p.m.

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As of yesterday, over a million pages of primary source documents have been uploaded to DocumentCloud »

PSA: @Slate‘s looking for a news junkie with writing chops to compile The Slatest (Deadline’s this Friday.) »

RT @jimbradysp: Plenty of news about @ONA‘s 2011 conference in Boston can be found here All the cool kids will be there »

The first Googleplex was surprisingly Scranton Business Park-like »

Study: government transparency leads to a happier citizenry »

Customer service accounts for about 20% of Groupon’s 5,000-member global workforce »

Facebook is working on "communicating about privacy in a simpler, more interactive way" »

Five great candidates for IPI’s Google-sponsored News Innovation Contest »

An airline shifts customer service away from a call center…and toward Facebook (via @mboze) »

RT @mlcalderone: More NYT news! Joe Nocera joining NYT op-ed page as a twice-weekly columnist, per memo. »

Sky scales back printing of its flagship mag, replacing lost issues with email updates (via @iwantmedia) »

Writing for New York, Frank Rich plans to "stretch the definition of a magazine column" »

Good morning! Per an email release, Arianna Huffington has joined the board of the Center for Public Integrity »

POSTED     March 1, 2011, 6 p.m.
PART OF A SERIES     Twitter
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What will a conservative National Labor Relations Board mean for news unions?
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