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March 8, 2011, 6 p.m.

Links on Twitter: The Dallas Morning News paywall rises, ProPublica hosts a longform discussion and Media Gazer turns 1

If you’re creating a newsgame, how do you narrow down the topics? »

Want your newspaper to be a host family for a Knight-Mozilla news innovation fellow? Here’s some tips »

RT @ONAConf: Due to popular demand, #ONA11 Session Selector deadline extended to Thursday »

.@MediaGazer turns 1 today! Happy Birthday! Someone send an ice cream cake to @Megan »

Who needs the Dish? The Atlantic looks to tech, photography and new Life channel »

"A combination of high costs and falling ad revenues — isn’t something a paywall is going to help solve" »

Attending SXSW Interactive? Mark Briggs offers a list of dos and don’ts for journalists »

Reuters is launching new science, accounting and legal news products to "cut through the clutter" »

ESPN goes behind the scenes at ESPN, with ESPN blog about ESPN »

"How has the idea of the news story changed in a world of information abundance? »

*Swoon* ProPublica is hosting an event on longform storytelling with Ira Glass, David Remnick and more »

Hulu, Netflix and Facebook? Warner Bros. movies will now be available to rent on Facebook »

In other paywall news, Gannett is considering whether to charge for access to some papers »

Ad revenue at the Slate Group is up 33%, thanks in part to better video, comments and social media »

Flipcams, Audioboos, Twitpics and more: A rundown of tools and resources Al Jazeera Online uses »

Today the Dallas Morning News paywall goes live. »

POSTED     March 8, 2011, 6 p.m.
PART OF A SERIES     Twitter
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