Nieman Foundation at Harvard
Audience editors offer advice for “dispiriting” times in social and search
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April 21, 2011, 6 p.m.

Links on Twitter: Magazines and apps, Jim Brady on community specific news and Flipboard dealing with publishers

The Chicago News Cooperative has redesigned its website »

Oliver Broudy talks to @niemanstory on modern saints, magazine writing & crossing the border to Kindle Singles »

Jim Brady says community-specific journalism can meet the needs of readers and businesses »

The Economist has a new app for readers to share where their ideas and creativity comes from in their city »

If you’ve enjoyed our posts from #ISOJ you’ll love the videos from the conference »

Does Flipboard want to start brokering deals directly with publishers? »

Sharing! The team at Computer World shares 22 free tools for data visualization and analysis »

If readers connection with publishers is now just a click, what does that mean for advertisers? »

As magazines hustle to produce apps are they taking the wrong approach? »

POSTED     April 21, 2011, 6 p.m.
PART OF A SERIES     Twitter
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Audience editors offer advice for “dispiriting” times in social and search
Journalists assume readers are as obsessed with the news as they are. They’re wrong.
Universities are mapping where local news outlets are still thriving — and where gaps persist
“Just as the local news landscape has evolved, so has local news mapping.”
The Conversation is trying to make its academia-fueled model work for local news
“I get the challenges small startups face trying to fill this void of local news. So this is our little attempt to support them in our Conversation way.”