Nieman Foundation at Harvard
Audience editors offer advice for “dispiriting” times in social and search
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May 6, 2011, 6 p.m.

Links on Twitter: Flipboard usage soars, Dow address Safehouse security and getting into the Obama/Osama slip ups

The parallels of news and airlines: Would you rather fly business class or coach with your news? »

Dow Jones has released a statement on improving the security of its Safehouse »

The Austin American Statesman’s @RobQuig is leaving to become a journalism professor at UT this fall »

YouTube breaks down how they deal with the sometime graphic videos out of the Middle East »

Our friends at the Berkman Center have relaunched the Media Cloud tool for analyzing news media »

Book publishers are partnering with AOL to get into the recommendation engine business »

American University has a new 11 month fellowship to study & work at the Washington Post »

"Had his name been Osama Tin Laden, we likely would have seen a lot fewer Obama/Osama mixups." »

A Day in the Life of the Columbia J-school as seen on Posterous »

PSA: Bloomberg is looking for a media reporter in New York »

Google is introducing a feature to let users peek into local businesses »

The NY Times R&D team has developed a tool to corral all that location data on your iPhone »

The Flips are up: Flipboard says its daily usage is up big, 8-9 million "flips" a day »

News copyright enforcer Righthaven has hired one of the attorneys from the AP’s Shepard Fairey case »

Tweet charts! Check it out, the WSJ used a bar chart in a Tweet on unemployment data »

What happens after cable TV service becomes just another app? »

Could Amazon be the only company to make a real rival for the iPad? »

POSTED     May 6, 2011, 6 p.m.
PART OF A SERIES     Twitter
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Audience editors offer advice for “dispiriting” times in social and search
Journalists assume readers are as obsessed with the news as they are. They’re wrong.
Universities are mapping where local news outlets are still thriving — and where gaps persist
“Just as the local news landscape has evolved, so has local news mapping.”
The Conversation is trying to make its academia-fueled model work for local news
“I get the challenges small startups face trying to fill this void of local news. So this is our little attempt to support them in our Conversation way.”