Nieman Foundation at Harvard
Beehiiv is the latest platform to try to lure independent journalists with perks
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Aug. 11, 2011, 6 p.m.

Links on Twitter: Amazon and ads, Zynga and Google+, The Atlantic and Hollywood

“Facebook is no longer the only Zynga-powered social network in town.” »

Now on @niemanstory: @geneweingarten talks breaking the rules, with case studies from his career: »

#weathertweets, on the air! Twitter teams up with The Weather Channel »

Time Warner is covering the 9/11 anniversary…in print, on TV, online »

The Atlantic becomes the latest journalism outlet to get Hollywood representation »

“One telecom expert was amazed at how free Vietnam is compared to other nations, in this one respect at least.” »

How to: suggest a new language for Google News »

Is Amazon about to become a force in online advertising? »

The Wichita Eagle is testing an org model for a digital-first newsroom »

The FCC’s “Next Generation 911” plan will include text messages, photos, and videos (via @amichel) »

A student blog got 1 million page views in a day while live-blogging London’s riots »

POSTED     Aug. 11, 2011, 6 p.m.
PART OF A SERIES     Twitter
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Beehiiv is the latest platform to try to lure independent journalists with perks
These types of programs are likely to continue to come and go, as the needs of journalists and the platforms’ businesses evolve.
That time Rupert Murdoch endorsed Jimmy Carter (no, really)
It was the first time many Americans saw Rupert Murdoch using his news outlets to advance his interests — and a lesson in how a media mogul’s outside financial ties can taint the editorial product.
GBH tried to sell the home of a legendary radio station. It kicked off a proxy war for the soul of audio.
“Woods Hole tends to be pretty passionate about things, and when people get startled they get angry.”