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The California Google deal could leave out news startups and the smallest publishers
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Aug. 9, 2011, 6 p.m.

Links on Twitter: Tribune develops tablet, London looters tweet, TBD remembered

Facebook has unveiled a mobile app called Messenger, which would compete with SMS, BBM, iMessage »

Keeping the looters accountable — by Photoshopping embarrassing loot »

In a wild day on Wall Street, Apple briefly became the most valuable company in the world »

Back-end disasters: Before Bloomberg’s acquisition, BusinessWeek invested $20 million in a custom CMS O_o »

Could your biggest detractors be among your most loyal readers/viewers/listeners? »

New York City news startup @citylimitsorg wins a $100k grant to open a Brooklyn borough bureau »

Tribune Co. is reportedly developing its own tablet device »

RT @PaulLewis: The Guardian now has a dedicated address for people to upload video of #UKRiots: »

London police may arrest tweeting looters (or is it looting tweeters) »

PSA: @TPM is hiring a Capitol Hill reporter »

The latest “Why’s this so good?” from @niemanstory: Barry Siegel and the weight of consequences »

A year after TBD’s launch, @stevebuttry shares lessons learned (including: “Don’t waste time on bitterness”) »

RT @NYT_JenPreston: With more than 71,000 followers, @riotcleanup in London is helping get the job done after last night’s mess. »

The Guardian has a map of all *verified* looting incidents in the U.K. »

Partly cloudy: A chunk of the Internet went down last night, again »

POSTED     Aug. 9, 2011, 6 p.m.
PART OF A SERIES     Twitter
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The California Google deal could leave out news startups and the smallest publishers
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Big tech is painting itself as journalism’s savior. We should tread carefully.
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