Nieman Foundation at Harvard
Don’t trust the polls? Neither did The New York Times in 1956 (spoiler: it didn’t work out great)
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Archives: July 2015

The Post is looking to create a database of “supplements” — categorized pieces of text and graphics that help give context around complicated news topics — and add it as a contextual layer across lots of different Post stories.
Here’s how Fusion, Vox, Quartz, Slate, the AP, The Times of London, and Thought Catalog are using Slack for workflow — and which features they wish the platform would add.
Developed by the Times R&D lab, the Editor tool scans text to suggest article tags in real time. But the automatic tagging system won’t be moving into the newsroom soon.
Here’s how ProPublica and The New York Times are pioneering user experience research within their organizations.
Paralyzed by having to choose what news story to turn your attention to next? Tap For News keeps “everything super, super simple” by eliminating that choice.