Nieman Foundation at Harvard
Seeking “innovative,” “stable,” and “interested”: How The Markup and CalMatters matched up
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Aug. 17, 2010, 6 p.m.

Links on Twitter: $3 billion in revenues projected for digital publishing, Christopher Walken hosts NPR show, San Diego U-Trib gets a redesign

“Every aggregator…needs a steady supply of members and a way to manage their impact”: more smart stuff from @laheadle »

Should Wikipedia’s Cow-Tipping entry include a cow photo tagged “unsuspecting potential victim”? And other lame edit wars »

San Diego U-T redesigns its website with an eye toward creating “a better showcase for photography” »

Awesome: Christopher Walken hosts an NPR show »

After the 911 call, the Facebook post is a top choice for disaster response (via @lfmccoullough»

iAd advertisers miffed by few campaign metrics from Apple »

Projections show revenues could reach $3 billion for digital publishers by 2014 »

Join the 60,000 who get the freshest future-of-journalism news in our daily email.
Seeking “innovative,” “stable,” and “interested”: How The Markup and CalMatters matched up
Nonprofit news has seen an uptick in mergers, acquisitions, and other consolidations. CalMatters CEO Neil Chase still says “I don’t think we’ve seen enough yet.”
“Objectivity” in journalism is a tricky concept. What could replace it?
“For a long time, ‘objectivity’ packaged together many important ideas about truth and trust. American journalism has disowned that brand without offering a replacement.”
From shrimp Jesus to fake self-portraits, AI-generated images have become the latest form of social media spam
Within days of visiting the pages — and without commenting on, liking, or following any of the material — Facebook’s algorithm recommended reams of other AI-generated content.