Nieman Foundation at Harvard
What will a conservative National Labor Relations Board mean for news unions?
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Articles by Joshua P. Darr

Joshua P. Darr is an assistant professor of political communication at Louisiana State University.
“Every president claims a mandate and a decisive victory, but saying so doesn’t make it so. Media coverage is crucial for determining the scope of that power.”
“In today’s marketplace of news, you literally cannot give local newspapers away.”
“A major metropolitan daily will sever its ties with the major wire services and go local-only.”
“If the reality today is that local news is in danger of failing in the marketplace, should the government step in and help?”
“The crisis in local news is making it harder for the government to help Americans when they need it the most, and legislatures are beginning to take notice.”
“This massive infusion of political cash into the media will benefit tech companies and cable news networks more than in previous cycles — reinforcing trends in the media industry that are hurting politics in America today and causing more damage than any negative ad.”
“In this election cycle, the old saying that ‘the real presidential campaign begins after Labor Day’ might refer to 2019, not 2020.”