Nieman Foundation at Harvard
What will a conservative National Labor Relations Board mean for news unions?
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Articles by Kawandeep Virdee

Kawandeep Virdee is an engineer and developer advocate at Embedly.
“The bold headline grabs your attention, and then becomes a gateway to deeper exploration and understanding.”
“These speculative topics align with Virdee’s previous focus areas and the current trends in media and technology, offering plausible directions for his 2024 prediction.”
“There’s a hunger for media formats that feel more considerate, more consentful, and designed with care. It’s absolutely crucial for our safety and our wellbeing.”
“To inform readers means to also support readers’ care for themselves.”
“Zines have an enormous variety. They’re experimental and diverse. This gives them a freshness and surprise. They’re anti-formalist. They’re relatable.”
“Sites will explore further what it means to allow readers to be more active, giving their audience more expression and ability to take part in a two-way conversation.”
“It is a subtle, and concrete shift. Pages look back on the reader, seeing to a finer resolution the moments of the reading experience — start, scroll down, scroll up, play, watching, finish — and dynamically adjust.”
“Beyond Facebook, we may even see muted autoplay become more common because of how powerful it is to get attention.”