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Articles by Megan Garber

Megan Garber is a former assistant editor at the Lab. She was previously a staff writer at the Columbia Journalism Review, where she reported on the future of news for’s News Frontier section. Megan is currently a staff writer for The Atlantic.
With Coke’s “Arctic Home” campaign, the paper finds a new way to reach an increasingly distributed audience.
CNN’s citizen reporting site just got a networked-focused redesign. Here’s one way it could be valuable.
A new Pew study finds news outlets using Twitter almost exclusively for one-way distribution — of their own content.
The innovative North Carolina editor says newspaper leaders still need to have guts — but a different kind of guts from the good old days.
Accountability journalism, MTV-style.
The personal branding of journalists makes its way onto Google’s news aggregator.
Why the social media editor job may be a transitional one.
Auntie Beeb’s social media editor: “We want to be tweeting with value.”
The paper is employing a cheeky robot to help crowdsource its tag taxonomy.
“In many ways they’ve created a new kind of social platform, or a really really old one reinvented for the new world.”