Nieman Foundation at Harvard
After criticism over “viewpoint diversity,” NPR adds new layers of editorial oversight
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Stories on Reporting & Production

“We will all have to adjust to a new workflow. If it is a bottleneck, it will be a failure.”
“So much of the media coverage — and the trial itself — started at the point at which we’ve determined that [Lucy] Letby is an evil murderer; all her texts, notes, and movements are then viewed through that lens.”
“It’s information. But it’s not news.”
“We don’t come in when there’s something crazy happening and then leave when it’s over. This is just what we do all the time. And I really hope that makes people trust us more as a newspaper.”
Just 15% of Americans paid or gave money to a local news source in the past year, according to new research from the Pew-Knight Initiative.
“There are commercial reasons why some newsrooms focus on the spectacle and confrontation — the old journalism adage of ‘if it bleeds, it leads’ still prevails in many newsroom decisions…But it is a decision that delegitimizes protest aims.”
AI Spotlight Series
The Pulitzer Center is prioritizing reporters in the Global South, and all the sessions are free.
A huge proportion of tech journalism is characterized by scandals, sensationalism, and shoddy research. Can we fix it?
“People will pay you to make their lives easier, even when it comes to telling them which burrito to eat.”