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These are the nine big themes that will further separate the winners from the losers when we look back a year from now.
“No grand strategy, no new business models for news will emerge from Omaha. Ultimately, these papers will be closed or sold.” Martin Langeveld
Everybody’s making moves this month. Together, they tell us about what news will look like in 2014.
The dead-tree business has seen better days, sure. But for some publishers, print is an increasingly powerful part of their revenue strategies.
Set aside all the talk of doom and gloom for a minute: Here are 8 real reasons to feel optimistic about the future of newspapers.
“A feisty newspaper owner who fights back in public? Bring it on. That’s certainly an improvement over the gray management style of the Times Company.”
This year’s been a struggle, and there are plenty of trend lines still headed in the wrong direction. Here are the ideas and developments to watch as the news industry moves into 2014.
The director of the MIT Media Lab compares the worlds of media and tech, and says “When you’re sinking, you have two ways to go: You can bet the house on something, go all in, or you can try to become smaller and smaller until you disappear.”
A new generation of owners promises their newspapers the financial room to build a long-term strategy. Given how bad the numbers look so far in 2013, they’ll need it.
As the owner of Amazon, Bezos has focused on long-term investment and perfecting the customer experience, both of which may be a good sign for the Post.