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Articles tagged advocacy (11)

“If policy is being crafted that impacts our members, I think it’s important that we are making efforts to help shape it to their benefit. The sausage-making is going to happen whether we choose to be a part of it or not.”
“We’re about ideas, but we’re also about instigating actions. Though I believe our role is to seed ideas for the future, you want a journalism that has impact. It’s news readers can use.”
Plus: Instagram goes up against Vine in video, two illuminating new journalism studies, and the rest of the news from the past few weeks.
Want to keep up with what academic researchers are learning about digital media? Journalist’s Resource rounds up the latest findings.
The former editor of Voice of San Diego, now a Knight Fellow at Stanford, wants to rethink how journalists think about and find stories in the community.
If you want to charge readers for journalism, you have to prove its value — and that means getting beyond he-said-she-said and the view from nowhere. Ken Doctor
Even when you get the Colbert Bump, you’ve got to be ready to take advantage of it. Megan Garber
TPM is parlaying reader engagement into a business model by focusing on direct ad sales. Megan Garber
September 27, 2010
September 24, 2010