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Articles tagged bankruptcy (16)

When McClatchy declared bankruptcy in February, its debts were crushing, but its operating numbers weren’t so bad. But the coronavirus ripped away more than a quarter of its revenue in just a few weeks.
Gawker Media has filed for bankruptcy, saying it cannot pay the $140 million awarded to Hulk Hogan in a lawsuit funded by Peter Thiel. The company is putting itself up for sale, with an offer already in from Ziff Davis.
Plus: More details on the Journal Register Co.’s bankruptcy, new ideas on j-school training, and the rest of the news in media and tech this week.
True or False
Plus: Ideas for newspapers’ reinvention, Apple’s user IDs hacked (maybe), and the rest of the week’s news in media and tech.
Instead of a wave of consolidation, the former newspaper publisher argues, JRC’s bankruptcy could be a way for the newspaper industry’s biggest outside investor to continue to exit it. Martin Langeveld
JRC’s second bankruptcy in barely three years will be give it as close to a clean start as any newspaper company has gotten. Now, all John Paton has to do is deliver. Joshua Benton
Plus: Debates over the role of print and paywalls in newspapers’ future, the value of curation, and the rest of the week’s news in media and tech.
December 22, 2010
May 3, 2010